Faculty Profile

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1. Personal Information |
Department | University Department of Sanskrit | ![]() |
Name | Prof. Archana Kumari Dubey | ||
Designation | University Professor | ||
Gender | Female | ||
Contact Number | 9558879821 | ||
Differently Abled | No | Email ID | archanakumaridubey@gmail.com |
Year of Appointment in Ranchi University | 25-11-2021 | Year of joining the University PG Department | 25-11-2021 |
Highest Academic qualifications | D.Litt. | Highest Academic qualifications date of award | 13-11-2017 |
Experience before joining the University (Teaching/ Administrative post) mention number of years with designation and employer name |
2. Details of Academic Membership / Association |
1. Name of the Society | Post Held | ||
Year of the Registration | Types of Membership (Life Membership / Annual) | Life membership | |
3. Consultancy Details (if any) |
4. Refresher Course Details |
1. Name of the FIP / Refresher course/ FDP/
Orientation Program/ Summer / Winter School Details |
आधुनिक कवयित्रियाँ | Number of the Course | |
Duration of the above Course | 20 days | Name of the HRDC | Ranchi University |
Upload certificate | View | Other | |
5. Publication: Research Paper/Chapter in a Book/ Book (Year wise for last 5 years only (2018 to 2023)) |
6. Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium Details |
Research Projects Details |
Number of Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium attended | 6 | ||
1. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | National Seminar On Appreciation Of Literary Texts, | Organized by | Guj. Sahitya Academy, |
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | 16-02-2018 |
Duration/ To Date | 16-02-2018 | In India/ Outside India | In India |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Virtual | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
Yes |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | उत्तररामचरितम् में करुण रस का आस्वादन | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | Y |
Abstract / Full-length Paper | Yes | Whether peer-reviewed | Yes |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
2. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | 49Th Session Of All India Oriental Conference | Organized by | श्रीसोमनाथसंस्कॄतविश्व-विद्यलय: वेरावलम् |
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | 18-05-2018 |
Duration/ To Date | 20-05-2018 | In India/ Outside India | In India |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Virtual | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
Yes |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | उत्तररामचरिते राजधर्म: | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | e |
Abstract / Full-length Paper | Yes | Whether peer-reviewed | Yes |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
3. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | त्रिदिवसीया अखिलभारतीय दर्शन सङ्गोष्ठी | Organized by | श्रीसोमनाथसंस्कॄतविश्व-विद्यलय: वेरावलम् |
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | 05-02-2019 |
Duration/ To Date | 07-02-2019 | In India/ Outside India | In India |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Virtual | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
Yes |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | व्यवहारे सर्वे चार्वाका: | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | s |
Abstract / Full-length Paper | Yes | Whether peer-reviewed | Yes |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
4. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | One Day Seminar | Organized by | श्रीसोमनाथसंस्कॄतविश्व-विद्यलय: वेरावलम् |
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | 25-02-2019 |
Duration/ To Date | 25-02-2019 | In India/ Outside India | In India |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Virtual | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
Yes |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | संस्कृत अध्ययन अध्यापन विकास | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | |
Abstract / Full-length Paper | Yes | Whether peer-reviewed | Yes |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
5. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी | Organized by | स्नातकोत्तर संस्कृत विभाग राँची विश्वविद्यालय, राँची |
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | |
Duration/ To Date | In India/ Outside India | In India | |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Virtual | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
Yes |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | संस्कृत साहित्य तथा भारतीय संस्कृति में उत्सव परम्परा | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | |
Abstract / Full-length Paper | Yes | Whether peer-reviewed | Yes |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
6. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | राज्यस्तरीयसङ्गोष्ठी, | Organized by | श्रीसोमनाथसंस्कॄतविश्व-विद्यलय: वेरावलम् |
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | |
Duration/ To Date | In India/ Outside India | In India | |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Virtual | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
Yes |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | आधुनिकसंस्कृतसाहित्य तस्य आवश्यकता च | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | |
Abstract / Full-length Paper | Yes | Whether peer-reviewed | Yes |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
7. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | सत्राध्यक्ष (वाक्यार्थपरिषद्) | Organized by | श्रीसंस्कृतवेदपाठशाला, श्री सोमनाथसंस्कृत युनिवर्सिटी, वेरावलम् |
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | |
Duration/ To Date | In India/ Outside India | In India | |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Virtual | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
Yes |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | ||
Abstract / Full-length Paper | Yes | Whether peer-reviewed | Yes |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
8. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | Organized by | संस्कृतविभाग, रांची विश्वविद्यालय, रांची | |
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | |
Duration/ To Date | In India/ Outside India | In India | |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Virtual | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
Yes |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | करुण रस की सुखदु:खात्मकता संस्कृत एवं पाश्चात्य काव्यशास्त्र के आलोक में | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | |
Abstract / Full-length Paper | Yes | Whether peer-reviewed | Yes |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
9. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | महर्षिसान्दीपनिराष्ट्रियवेदविद्याप्रतिष्ठानम् इत्यनयो: संयुक्तमायोजनम्, | Organized by | स्वामिगोविन्ददेवगिरि वेदसंस्कृत पाठशाला वाघोडिया गुजरात. |
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | |
Duration/ To Date | In India/ Outside India | In India | |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Virtual | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
Yes |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | वेदेषु पर्यावरणम् | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | |
Abstract / Full-length Paper | Yes | Whether peer-reviewed | Yes |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
10. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | वाक्यार्थपरिषत् | Organized by | श्रीसोमनाथसंस्कृत-विश्वविद्यालय:, वेरावलम्, गुजरात |
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | |
Duration/ To Date | In India/ Outside India | In India | |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Virtual | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
Yes |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | उत्तररामचरिते स्त्रीधर्म: | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | |
Abstract / Full-length Paper | Yes | Whether peer-reviewed | Yes |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
11. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | श्रीनर्मदा संस्कृत वेदपाठशाला | Organized by | श्री सोमनाथसंस्कृत युनिवर्सिटी, वेरावलम् |
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | |
Duration/ To Date | In India/ Outside India | In India | |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Virtual | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
Yes |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | नाट्यदर्पणानुसारं वृत्तिरस विचार: | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | |
Abstract / Full-length Paper | Yes | Whether peer-reviewed | Yes |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
12. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | (वाक्यार्थपरिषद्) | Organized by | श्रीसंस्कृतवेदपाठशाला, श्री सोमनाथसंस्कृत युनिवर्सिटी, वेरावलम् |
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | |
Duration/ To Date | In India/ Outside India | In India | |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Virtual | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
Yes |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | ||
Abstract / Full-length Paper | Yes | Whether peer-reviewed | Yes |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
13. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | अलङ्कारनिर्णयः | Organized by | Shree Somnath Sanskrit Uni. |
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | |
Duration/ To Date | In India/ Outside India | In India | |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Virtual | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
Yes |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | ||
Abstract / Full-length Paper | Yes | Whether peer-reviewed | Yes |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
14. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | राष्ट्रीय शोध संगोष्ठी | Organized by | संस्कृत विभाग, राँची विश्वविद्यालय, राँची |
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | |
Duration/ To Date | In India/ Outside India | In India | |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Virtual | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
Yes |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | भारतीय नाट्यशास्त्र के भास परिप्रेक्ष्य में (मुख्यातिथि) | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | |
Abstract / Full-length Paper | Yes | Whether peer-reviewed | Yes |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
15. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | अखिलभारतीयसाहित्यसङ्गोष्ठी : संस्कृतसाहित्ये वागर्थविचारः | Organized by | Shree Somnath Sanskrit Uni. |
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | |
Duration/ To Date | In India/ Outside India | In India | |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Virtual | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
Yes |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | साहित्यकारों के मङ्गलाचरण में वागर्थ विमर्श | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | |
Abstract / Full-length Paper | Yes | Whether peer-reviewed | Yes |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
16. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | देवसंस्कृतिप्रतिष्ठान | Organized by | श्री सोमनाथसंस्कृत युनिवर्सिटी, वेरावलम् |
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | |
Duration/ To Date | In India/ Outside India | In India | |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Virtual | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
Yes |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | महाभारत में द्रौपदी. | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | |
Abstract / Full-length Paper | Yes | Whether peer-reviewed | Yes |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
17. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | वाईडर एसोशिएशन फोर वैदिक स्टडीज (वेव्स) | Organized by | श्री सोमनाथसंस्कृत युनिवर्सिटी, वेरावलम् |
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | |
Duration/ To Date | In India/ Outside India | In India | |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Virtual | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
Yes |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | धर्मशास्त्रीय आचार-विचारों की वर्तमान में प्रासंगिकता | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | |
Abstract / Full-length Paper | Yes | Whether peer-reviewed | Yes |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
18. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | शोर्टटर्म ओनलाईन कोर्ष | Organized by | श्री सोमनाथसंस्कृत युनिवर्सिटी, वेरावलम् |
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | |
Duration/ To Date | In India/ Outside India | In India | |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Virtual | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
Yes |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | रामायण की रमणीयता | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | |
Abstract / Full-length Paper | Yes | Whether peer-reviewed | Yes |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
19. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | शोर्टटर्म ओनलाईन कोर्ष | Organized by | श्री सोमनाथसंस्कृत युनिवर्सिटी, वेरावलम् |
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | |
Duration/ To Date | In India/ Outside India | In India | |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Virtual | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
Yes |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | रामायण में जीवन प्रबन्धन | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | |
Abstract / Full-length Paper | Yes | Whether peer-reviewed | Yes |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
20. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी | Organized by | Jyotirvigyan, Department of Sanskrit, R.U. Ranchi |
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | |
Duration/ To Date | In India/ Outside India | In India | |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Virtual | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
Yes |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | द्वारकाधीश मन्दिर का वास्तु –विश्लेषण | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | |
Abstract / Full-length Paper | Yes | Whether peer-reviewed | Yes |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
21. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | K A A L C H A K R A M | Organized by | INSTITUTE OF YOGA & ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE |
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | |
Duration/ To Date | In India/ Outside India | In India | |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Virtual | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
Yes |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | ||
Abstract / Full-length Paper | Yes | Whether peer-reviewed | Yes |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
22. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी | Organized by | Department of Psychology, NIrmala College, Ranchi |
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | |
Duration/ To Date | In India/ Outside India | In India | |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Virtual | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
Yes |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | Changing role of Youth and Women worldwide and its impact on society | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | |
Abstract / Full-length Paper | Yes | Whether peer-reviewed | Yes |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
23. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी | Organized by | सरला बिरला विश्वविद्यालय, रांची |
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | |
Duration/ To Date | In India/ Outside India | In India | |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Virtual | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
Yes |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | भारतीय भाषाओँ में अनुवाद अध्ययन तथा भारतीय ज्ञान परम्परा | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | |
Abstract / Full-length Paper | Yes | Whether peer-reviewed | Yes |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
24. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | Organized by | ||
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | |
Duration/ To Date | In India/ Outside India | In India | |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Virtual | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
Yes |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | ||
Abstract / Full-length Paper | Yes | Whether peer-reviewed | Yes |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
25. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | अन्ताराष्ट्रियपरिसंवाद | Organized by | श्रीसोमनाथसंस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय |
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | |
Duration/ To Date | In India/ Outside India | In India | |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Virtual | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
Yes |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | वैश्विकसमस्यानां संस्कृतसाहित्ये समाधानम् | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | |
Abstract / Full-length Paper | Yes | Whether peer-reviewed | Yes |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
7. Research Project Details |
1. Title of the Project | Research Projects completed, submitted or ongoing | Completed | |
Funding Agency | Value of the project (Amount) | Rs. | |
Year of Submission | Duration of the Project | ||
Date of completion of the Project | Year of Completion | ||
Current status of the Project (mention stage) | Report submitted or not (if yes enclose a copy)(If no enclose the progress report submitted to the agency) | View | |
Copy of research project submitted to funding agency (enclose a copy) | View | Award/ Sanction/ Approved letter (enclose a copy) | View |
8. Patent |
1. Patent if any (enclose a copy of the certificate) | View | Patent Number | |
Date of Award | Patent Awarding Agency | ||
9. Administrative Post Held |
1. Administrative post held (enclose notification letter) | View | Designation | Lecturer |
Duration | 19.07.1999 to 31.03.2000 | ||
2. Administrative post held (enclose notification letter) | View | Designation | lecturer |
Duration | 09.04.2000 to 09.07.2003 | ||
3. Administrative post held (enclose notification letter) | View | Designation | Assistant Professor |
Duration | 16.07.2003 to 10.09.2012 | ||
4. Administrative post held (enclose notification letter) | View | Designation | Associate Professor |
Duration | 10.09.2012 to 01.03.2014 | ||
5. Administrative post held (enclose notification letter) | View | Designation | Professor |
Duration | 05.03.2014 to 24.112021 | ||
6. Administrative post held (enclose notification letter) | View | Designation | Professor |
Duration | 25.11.2021 to till date | ||
10. Positions Held (Within University / Other than University) |
1. Positions Held | Board of Studies (Internal / External) | ||
2. Positions Held | Syndicate | ||
11. Scholarship Details |
1. Scholarship Details | View | ||
12. Details of Ph.D. Research Scholar |
1. Name of the Scholar | मैयड वैशाली | Title of the thesis | भासकृते अविमारके पंचभूतानां तत्त्वसमीक्षा |
Date of registration | 18-10-2019 | Eligibility Examinations(NET, GATE, JRF, SLET, University Ph.D. Entrance Exam etc.) |
Any award received by the scholar (enclose certificate) | View | Ph.D. degree awarded or not (if yes then enclose the certificate) | View |
Paper publication details by scholar | View | Conferences Attended | |
Patents if | Grant received from any other funding agency (CSIR/DST/DBT other) |
Travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc. along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) | View | ||
2. Name of the Scholar | शीला गामित | Title of the thesis | उत्तररामचरितप्रसन्नराघवयोः समीक्षात्मकम् अध्ययनम् |
Date of registration | 18-02-2019 | Eligibility Examinations(NET, GATE, JRF, SLET, University Ph.D. Entrance Exam etc.) |
Any award received by the scholar (enclose certificate) | View | Ph.D. degree awarded or not (if yes then enclose the certificate) | View |
Paper publication details by scholar | View | Conferences Attended | |
Patents if | Grant received from any other funding agency (CSIR/DST/DBT other) |
Travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc. along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) | View | ||
3. Name of the Scholar | हरिप्रिया साहू | Title of the thesis | “नाट्यशास्त्रीयदृष्ट्या दशरूपकनाट्यदर्पणयो: साम्यं वैषम्यञ्च” “नाट्यशास्त्रीयदृष्ट्या दशरूपकनाट्यदर्पणयो: साम्यं वैषम्यञ्च” |
Date of registration | 18-02-2020 | Eligibility Examinations(NET, GATE, JRF, SLET, University Ph.D. Entrance Exam etc.) |
Any award received by the scholar (enclose certificate) | View | Ph.D. degree awarded or not (if yes then enclose the certificate) | View |
Paper publication details by scholar | View | Conferences Attended | |
Patents if | Grant received from any other funding agency (CSIR/DST/DBT other) |
Travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc. along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) | View | ||
4. Name of the Scholar | ममता मोहन्ता | Title of the thesis | चेन्नम्मा इत्युपन्यासस्य समीक्षात्मकमनुशीलनम् |
Date of registration | 05-03-2021 | Eligibility Examinations(NET, GATE, JRF, SLET, University Ph.D. Entrance Exam etc.) |
Any award received by the scholar (enclose certificate) | View | Ph.D. degree awarded or not (if yes then enclose the certificate) | View |
Paper publication details by scholar | View | Conferences Attended | |
Patents if | Grant received from any other funding agency (CSIR/DST/DBT other) |
Travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc. along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) | View | ||
5. Name of the Scholar | स्नेहांजलि साहू | Title of the thesis | भासनाटकचक्रे महाभारताधारित-रूपकाणां परिशीलनम् |
Date of registration | 05-03-2021 | Eligibility Examinations(NET, GATE, JRF, SLET, University Ph.D. Entrance Exam etc.) |
Any award received by the scholar (enclose certificate) | View | Ph.D. degree awarded or not (if yes then enclose the certificate) | View |
Paper publication details by scholar | View | Conferences Attended | |
Patents if | Grant received from any other funding agency (CSIR/DST/DBT other) |
Travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc. along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) | View | ||
6. Name of the Scholar | लक्ष्मीप्रिया प्रधान | Title of the thesis | संस्कृतनाटकेषु विदूषकस्य चरित्रम् |
Date of registration | 05-03-2021 | Eligibility Examinations(NET, GATE, JRF, SLET, University Ph.D. Entrance Exam etc.) |
Any award received by the scholar (enclose certificate) | View | Ph.D. degree awarded or not (if yes then enclose the certificate) | View |
Paper publication details by scholar | View | Conferences Attended | |
Patents if | Grant received from any other funding agency (CSIR/DST/DBT other) |
Travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc. along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) | View | ||
7. Name of the Scholar | सीमन्तिनी शेठ | Title of the thesis | रघुवंशमहाकाव्ये आद्यसार्गद्वये प्रयुक्तानाम् अलङ्काराणां परिशीलनम् |
Date of registration | 05-03-2021 | Eligibility Examinations(NET, GATE, JRF, SLET, University Ph.D. Entrance Exam etc.) |
Any award received by the scholar (enclose certificate) | View | Ph.D. degree awarded or not (if yes then enclose the certificate) | View |
Paper publication details by scholar | View | Conferences Attended | |
Patents if | Grant received from any other funding agency (CSIR/DST/DBT other) |
Travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc. along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) | View | ||
8. Name of the Scholar | भारती मंगराज | Title of the thesis | भाषाविज्ञानस्य विकासदृष्ट्या कालिदासस्य कारकयोजनापर्यालोचनम् |
Date of registration | 05-03-2021 | Eligibility Examinations(NET, GATE, JRF, SLET, University Ph.D. Entrance Exam etc.) |
Any award received by the scholar (enclose certificate) | View | Ph.D. degree awarded or not (if yes then enclose the certificate) | View |
Paper publication details by scholar | View | Conferences Attended | |
Patents if | Grant received from any other funding agency (CSIR/DST/DBT other) |
Travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc. along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) | View | ||
9. Name of the Scholar | उजेणिया हिना आर. | Title of the thesis | अभिराजराजेन्द्रमिश्रविरचित-अभिनवपञ्चतन्त्रस्य एकम् अध्ययनम् |
Date of registration | 28-02-2021 | Eligibility Examinations(NET, GATE, JRF, SLET, University Ph.D. Entrance Exam etc.) |
Any award received by the scholar (enclose certificate) | View | Ph.D. degree awarded or not (if yes then enclose the certificate) | View |
Paper publication details by scholar | View | Conferences Attended | |
Patents if | Grant received from any other funding agency (CSIR/DST/DBT other) |
Travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc. along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) | View | ||
10. Name of the Scholar | धर्मवीर आर्य | Title of the thesis | अष्टाध्यायी में प्रयुक्त उपसर्गों का समीक्षात्मक अध्ययन |
Date of registration | 09-04-2022 | Eligibility Examinations(NET, GATE, JRF, SLET, University Ph.D. Entrance Exam etc.) |
Any award received by the scholar (enclose certificate) | View | Ph.D. degree awarded or not (if yes then enclose the certificate) | View |
Paper publication details by scholar | View | Conferences Attended | |
Patents if | Grant received from any other funding agency (CSIR/DST/DBT other) |
Travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc. along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) | View | ||
11. Name of the Scholar | सुपर्णा मण्डल | Title of the thesis | दूतकाव्यपरम्परायाम् ‘इन्दुदूतम्’ एकं समीक्षात्मकमध्ययनम् |
Date of registration | 26-07-2023 | Eligibility Examinations(NET, GATE, JRF, SLET, University Ph.D. Entrance Exam etc.) |
Any award received by the scholar (enclose certificate) | View | Ph.D. degree awarded or not (if yes then enclose the certificate) | View |
Paper publication details by scholar | View | Conferences Attended | |
Patents if | Grant received from any other funding agency (CSIR/DST/DBT other) |
Travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc. along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) | View | ||
12. Name of the Scholar | आस्तिक हजाम | Title of the thesis | शैलेश मिश्र विरचित ‘तत्त्वमसि’ का साहित्यिक एवं दार्शनिक समीक्षण |
Date of registration | 06-01-2024 | Eligibility Examinations(NET, GATE, JRF, SLET, University Ph.D. Entrance Exam etc.) |
Any award received by the scholar (enclose certificate) | View | Ph.D. degree awarded or not (if yes then enclose the certificate) | View |
Paper publication details by scholar | View | Conferences Attended | |
Patents if | Grant received from any other funding agency (CSIR/DST/DBT other) |
Travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc. along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) | View |
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