Faculty Profile

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1. Personal Information |
Department | University Department of Philosophy | ![]() |
Name | Dr. Ashok Kumar Singh | ||
Designation | Assistant Professor | ||
Gender | Male | ||
Contact Number | 7979984674 | ||
Differently Abled | No | Email ID | ashok21361@gmail.com |
Year of Appointment in Ranchi University | 03-03-2008 | Year of joining the University PG Department | 03-03-2022 |
Highest Academic qualifications | Ph.D | Highest Academic qualifications date of award | |
Experience before joining the University (Teaching/ Administrative post) mention number of years with designation and employer name |
2. Details of Academic Membership / Association |
1. Name of the Society | THE INDIAN PHILOSOPHICAL CONGRESS | Post Held | MEMBER |
Year of the Registration | 25-07-2008 | Types of Membership (Life Membership / Annual) | Life membership |
2. Name of the Society | AKHIL BHARTIYE DARSHAN PARISHAD | Post Held | MEMBER |
Year of the Registration | 19-01-2001 | Types of Membership (Life Membership / Annual) | Life membership |
3. Consultancy Details (if any) |
4. Refresher Course Details |
1. Name of the FIP / Refresher course/ FDP/
Orientation Program/ Summer / Winter School Details |
Duration of the above Course | 03/07/2009-30/07/2009 (28 DAYS) | Name of the HRDC | Ranchi University |
Upload certificate | View | Other | |
2. Name of the FIP / Refresher course/ FDP/
Orientation Program/ Summer / Winter School Details |
Duration of the above Course | 14/02/2011-06/03/2011 (21 DAYS) | Name of the HRDC | Ranchi University |
Upload certificate | View | Other | |
3. Name of the FIP / Refresher course/ FDP/
Orientation Program/ Summer / Winter School Details |
Duration of the above Course | 02/12/2015-22/12/2015 (21DAYS) | Name of the HRDC | Ranchi University |
Upload certificate | View | Other | |
4. Name of the FIP / Refresher course/ FDP/
Orientation Program/ Summer / Winter School Details |
UGC-SPONSORED SPECIAL WINTER SCHOOL-2016 | Number of the Course | 04 |
Duration of the above Course | 02/12/2016-22/12/2016 (21 DAYS) | Name of the HRDC | Ranchi University |
Upload certificate | View | Other | |
5. Name of the FIP / Refresher course/ FDP/
Orientation Program/ Summer / Winter School Details |
Duration of the above Course | 21/07/2023-03/08/2023 (14 DAYS) | Name of the HRDC | Ranchi University |
Upload certificate | View | Other | |
5. Publication: Research Paper/Chapter in a Book/ Book (Year wise for last 5 years only (2018 to 2023)) |
6. Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium Details |
Research Projects Details |
Number of Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium attended | |||
1. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | "Rastravad: Kal, Aaj Aur Kal" | Organized by | DEPT. OF PHILOSOPHY, B.N.M.U MADHEPURA, BIHAR |
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | 29-11-2021 |
Duration/ To Date | 30-11-2021 | In India/ Outside India | In India |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Physical | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
No |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | "SWAMI VIVEKANAND KA RASTRAVAD" | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | N |
Abstract / Full-length Paper | No | Whether peer-reviewed | No |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
2. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | "Sanskritik Rastravad Ke Ayam" | Organized by | DEPT. OF PHILOSOPHY, B.N.M.U MADHEPURA, BIHAR |
National/ International | International | Duration/ From Date | 27-01-2022 |
Duration/ To Date | 28-01-2022 | In India/ Outside India | In India |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Physical | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
No |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | "BHARTIYE RASTRAVAD" | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | o |
Abstract / Full-length Paper | No | Whether peer-reviewed | No |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
3. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | "Aadivasi Darshan Sanskriti Evm Prampara" | Organized by | UNI. DEPT. OF PHILOSOPHY, KOLHAN UNIVERSITY, CHAIBASA, JHARKHAND |
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | 12-05-2023 |
Duration/ To Date | 14-05-2023 | In India/ Outside India | In India |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Physical | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
No |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | JHARKHAND KE AADIVASI SANSKRITI KA DARSHAN" | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | |
Abstract / Full-length Paper | No | Whether peer-reviewed | No |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
4. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | "Philosophy Of National Education Policy 2020" | Organized by | IQAC, GOSSNER COLLEGE, RANCHI, JHARKHAND |
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | 15-05-2023 |
Duration/ To Date | In India/ Outside India | In India | |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Physical | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
No |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | "PHILOSOPHY OF NATIONAL EDUCATION POLICY-2020 | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | |
Abstract / Full-length Paper | No | Whether peer-reviewed | No |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
5. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | Akhil Bhartiye Darshan Parishad | Organized by | DARSHANSHASTRA VIBHAG, V.K.S.U, ARA, BIHAR |
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | 14-07-2023 |
Duration/ To Date | 15-07-2023 | In India/ Outside India | In India |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Physical | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
No |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | HINDU DHARM ME ANUGRAH VICHAR | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | |
Abstract / Full-length Paper | No | Whether peer-reviewed | No |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
6. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | Bhartiye Gyan Prampara: Siddhant Evm Anuprayog | Organized by | SANSKRIT VIBHAG, DSPMU, RANCHI, JHARKHAND |
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | 26-08-2023 |
Duration/ To Date | 27-08-2023 | In India/ Outside India | In India |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Physical | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
No |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | PARYAVARNIYE CHETNA AUR BHARTIYE GYAN PRAMPARA | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | |
Abstract / Full-length Paper | No | Whether peer-reviewed | No |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
7. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | Vedanta Philosophy In Modern World | Organized by | VEDANTA RESEARCH CENTRE, RANCHI, JHARKHAND |
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | 02-11-2023 |
Duration/ To Date | 05-11-2023 | In India/ Outside India | In India |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Physical | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
No |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | VEDANTA PHILOSOPHY IN MODERN WORLD | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | |
Abstract / Full-length Paper | Yes | Whether peer-reviewed | No |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
8. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | Climate Vulnerability: Challenges To Physical Landscape And Human Response | Organized by | UNI. DEPT. OF GEOGRAPHY, RU, RANCHI, JHARKHAND |
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | 04-11-2023 |
Duration/ To Date | 05-11-2023 | In India/ Outside India | In India |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Physical | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
No |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | "CLIMATE CHANDE: FEW ETHICAL RESPONSES FROM THE SRIMAD BHAGWAT GITA" | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | |
Abstract / Full-length Paper | No | Whether peer-reviewed | No |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
9. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | Ethnobotay, Enviromental Sustainability And Multidisciplinary Researches | Organized by | IQAC, K.O COLLEGE, GUMLA, JHARKHAND & SOCIETY F ETHNOBOTANISTS(SEB) LUCKNOW, UP |
National/ International | International | Duration/ From Date | 29-11-2023 |
Duration/ To Date | 30-11-2023 | In India/ Outside India | In India |
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Physical | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
No |
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |
Title of the Paper | PREVENTION OF ENVIROMENTAL POOLLUTION: A PHILOSOPHICAL STUDY" | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | |
Abstract / Full-length Paper | No | Whether peer-reviewed | No |
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View |
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
7. Research Project Details |
1. Title of the Project | Research Projects completed, submitted or ongoing | Completed | |
Funding Agency | Value of the project (Amount) | Rs. | |
Year of Submission | Duration of the Project | ||
Date of completion of the Project | Year of Completion | ||
Current status of the Project (mention stage) | Report submitted or not (if yes enclose a copy)(If no enclose the progress report submitted to the agency) | View | |
Copy of research project submitted to funding agency (enclose a copy) | View | Award/ Sanction/ Approved letter (enclose a copy) | View |
8. Patent |
1. Patent if any (enclose a copy of the certificate) | View | Patent Number | |
Date of Award | Patent Awarding Agency | ||
9. Administrative Post Held |
1. Administrative post held (enclose notification letter) | View | Designation | |
Duration | |||
10. Positions Held (Within University / Other than University) |
11. Scholarship Details |
1. Scholarship Details | View | ||
12. Details of Ph.D. Research Scholar |
1. Name of the Scholar | Title of the thesis | ||
Date of registration | Eligibility Examinations(NET, GATE, JRF, SLET, University Ph.D. Entrance Exam etc.) |
Any award received by the scholar (enclose certificate) | View | Ph.D. degree awarded or not (if yes then enclose the certificate) | View |
Paper publication details by scholar | View | Conferences Attended | |
Patents if | Grant received from any other funding agency (CSIR/DST/DBT other) |
Travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc. along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) | View |
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