Faculty Profile

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1. Personal Information |
Department | University Department of Botany | ![]() |
Name | Dr. Anita Mehta | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Designation | Associate Professor | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Gender | Female | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Contact Number | 7070358967 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Differently Abled | No | Email ID | amehtarwc@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||
Year of Appointment in Ranchi University | 04-11-1996 | Year of joining the University PG Department | 09-01-2021 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Highest Academic qualifications | Ph.D | Highest Academic qualifications date of award | |||||||||||||||||||||
Experience before joining the University (Teaching/ Administrative post) mention number of years with designation and employer name |
1. Served Department of Botany, Marwari College,Ranchi as Ad hoc Lecturer (Duration 10.11.1987 onwards) 2.Joined Department of Botany, Ranchi Women's College, Ranchi on 20.11.1996 as Lecturer through Bihar State University (Constituents Colleges) Service Commision. 3.Served Ranchi Wome's College till 08.01.2021 During Service duration of Ranchi Women's College, worked under following designation of different administrative post a. Deputy Co-Ordinator Biotechnoogy, Ranchi Women's College(July 2005 to January 2010) b. Press-In-charge, Ranchi Women's College (January 2008 to January 2012) c. Co-Ordinator Biotehnology Ranchi Women's College (October 2010 September 2014) d. Head of the Department, Department of Botany, Ranchi Wome'ns College (September 2014 to August 2016) e. Member, Green Audit team Ranchi Women's College (February 2016 onwards) f. Co-ordinator Ek Bharat Shreshta Bharat (January 2020 onwards) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
2. Details of Academic Membership / Association |
1. Name of the Society | VEGETOS (currently published by SpringerNature) An International Journal of Plant Research under the aegis of Society for Plant Reserach (SPR), India | Post Held | Councillor, Reviewer, Member of Editorial Board | ||||||||||||||||||||
Year of the Registration | 29-04-2005 | Types of Membership (Life Membership / Annual) | Life membership | ||||||||||||||||||||
2. Name of the Society | Indian Botanical Society | Post Held | Member | ||||||||||||||||||||
Year of the Registration | 21-06-2015 | Types of Membership (Life Membership / Annual) | Life membership | ||||||||||||||||||||
3. Name of the Society | Mendelian Society of India | Post Held | Member | ||||||||||||||||||||
Year of the Registration | 20-09-1998 | Types of Membership (Life Membership / Annual) | Life membership | ||||||||||||||||||||
4. Name of the Society | Society of Bionaturalists | Post Held | Member | ||||||||||||||||||||
Year of the Registration | 10-06-1998 | Types of Membership (Life Membership / Annual) | Life membership | ||||||||||||||||||||
5. Name of the Society | National Environmentalist Association | Post Held | Member | ||||||||||||||||||||
Year of the Registration | 13-11-2006 | Types of Membership (Life Membership / Annual) | Life membership | ||||||||||||||||||||
6. Name of the Society | International Scholar Journal | Post Held | Member | ||||||||||||||||||||
Year of the Registration | 25-03-2017 | Types of Membership (Life Membership / Annual) | Annual | ||||||||||||||||||||
7. Name of the Society | Trans stellar Journal Publications | Post Held | Member | ||||||||||||||||||||
Year of the Registration | 10-03-2017 | Types of Membership (Life Membership / Annual) | Annual | ||||||||||||||||||||
8. Name of the Society | International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (IASET) | Post Held | Member | ||||||||||||||||||||
Year of the Registration | 12-01-2017 | Types of Membership (Life Membership / Annual) | Annual | ||||||||||||||||||||
9. Name of the Society | Indian Science Congress | Post Held | Member | ||||||||||||||||||||
Year of the Registration | 12-01-2015 | Types of Membership (Life Membership / Annual) | Life membership | ||||||||||||||||||||
3. Consultancy Details (if any) |
aa | |||||||||||||||||||||||
4. Refresher Course Details |
1. Name of the FIP / Refresher course/ FDP/
Orientation Program/ Summer / Winter School Details |
Number of the Course | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Duration of the above Course | Name of the HRDC | Ranchi University | |||||||||||||||||||||
Upload certificate | View | Other | |||||||||||||||||||||
5. Publication: Research Paper/Chapter in a Book/ Book (Year wise for last 5 years only (2018 to 2023)) |
6. Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium Details |
Research Projects Details |
Number of Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium attended | 3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | 1. Golden Jubilee National Symposium On Current Inventions To Plants And Microbes For Environmental And Agricultural Sustainability ( Cipme 2019) | Organized by | Department of Botanical and Environmental Sciences and Society for Plant Research (Vegetos0 at Gurunanak Dev UNIV. Amritsar | ||||||||||||||||||||
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | 06-03-2019 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Duration/ To Date | 08-03-2019 | In India/ Outside India | In India | ||||||||||||||||||||
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Physical | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
No | ||||||||||||||||||||
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |||||||||||||||||||||
Title of the Paper | Endophytic Fungi isolatd from leaves of Centella asiatica L.: Culture and their Identification | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||
Abstract / Full-length Paper | No | Whether peer-reviewed | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View | ||||||||||||||||||||
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
2. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | Impact Of Innovative Global Research Techniques And Methodologies To Analyze Specific Research Area (Iigrtmasra 2023) | Organized by | A.N.College Dumka,Jharkhand | ||||||||||||||||||||
National/ International | International | Duration/ From Date | 13-03-2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Duration/ To Date | 14-03-2023 | In India/ Outside India | In India | ||||||||||||||||||||
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Physical | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
No | ||||||||||||||||||||
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |||||||||||||||||||||
Title of the Paper | Endophytic Fungi on Efficient Source for Novel Drug Production | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||
Abstract / Full-length Paper | No | Whether peer-reviewed | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View | ||||||||||||||||||||
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
3. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | Climate Change:challenges And Opportunities | Organized by | IQAC & University Department Of Zoology,Ranchi University,Ranchi | ||||||||||||||||||||
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | 25-05-2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Duration/ To Date | 26-05-2023 | In India/ Outside India | In India | ||||||||||||||||||||
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Physical | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
No | ||||||||||||||||||||
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |||||||||||||||||||||
Title of the Paper | Studies on in vitro Plant Regeneration of Solanum nigrum L.,a least concern Ethnomedicinal Plant prescribed to treat the SARS-CoV-2 infection and its post-complications | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||
Abstract / Full-length Paper | No | Whether peer-reviewed | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View | ||||||||||||||||||||
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
4. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | Organized by | ||||||||||||||||||||||
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | |||||||||||||||||||||
Duration/ To Date | In India/ Outside India | In India | |||||||||||||||||||||
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Virtual | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |||||||||||||||||||||
Title of the Paper | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | Yes | |||||||||||||||||||||
Abstract / Full-length Paper | Yes | Whether peer-reviewed | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View | ||||||||||||||||||||
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
5. Title of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium | Organized by | ||||||||||||||||||||||
National/ International | National | Duration/ From Date | |||||||||||||||||||||
Duration/ To Date | In India/ Outside India | In India | |||||||||||||||||||||
Virtual/ Physical/ Hybrid | Virtual | Received any financial support from any funding agency / agencies |
Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||
If yes, then name of the funding agency along with total amount |
Upload sanction letter/ award / grant | View | |||||||||||||||||||||
Title of the Paper | Chaired a session (Yes/ No) | Yes | |||||||||||||||||||||
Abstract / Full-length Paper | Yes | Whether peer-reviewed | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||
Certificate upload (Presentation/attendance) (If chaired then certificate) | View | Any award received from the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium (If yes then upload the certificate) | View | ||||||||||||||||||||
Grant received from any other funding agency like travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) |
7. Research Project Details |
1. Title of the Project | Research Projects completed, submitted or ongoing | Completed | |||||||||||||||||||||
Funding Agency | Value of the project (Amount) | Rs. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Year of Submission | Duration of the Project | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Date of completion of the Project | Year of Completion | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Current status of the Project (mention stage) | Report submitted or not (if yes enclose a copy)(If no enclose the progress report submitted to the agency) | View | |||||||||||||||||||||
Copy of research project submitted to funding agency (enclose a copy) | View | Award/ Sanction/ Approved letter (enclose a copy) | View | ||||||||||||||||||||
8. Patent |
1. Patent if any (enclose a copy of the certificate) | View | Patent Number | |||||||||||||||||||||
Date of Award | Patent Awarding Agency | ||||||||||||||||||||||
9. Administrative Post Held |
1. Administrative post held (enclose notification letter) | View | Designation | Co-ordinator Ek bharat Shreshta Bharat, Ranchi Womens College,Ranchi | ||||||||||||||||||||
Duration | 1 year | ||||||||||||||||||||||
2. Administrative post held (enclose notification letter) | View | Designation | Co-ordinator of UGC Sponsored Refresher Course in Experimental Botany Organized by UGC HRDC ,Ranchi University | ||||||||||||||||||||
Duration | 2.09.2021 to 15.09.2021 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
3. Administrative post held (enclose notification letter) | View | Designation | DRC Member | ||||||||||||||||||||
Duration | 05.02.2021 till date | ||||||||||||||||||||||
4. Administrative post held (enclose notification letter) | View | Designation | Professor In-Charge Store | ||||||||||||||||||||
Duration | 20.10.2021 till date | ||||||||||||||||||||||
5. Administrative post held (enclose notification letter) | View | Designation | Member,Internal Committee (Womens Grievance Redressal Cell) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Duration | 02.03.2022 till date | ||||||||||||||||||||||
10. Positions Held (Within University / Other than University) |
11. Scholarship Details |
1. Scholarship Details | View | ||||||||||||||||||||||
12. Details of Ph.D. Research Scholar |
1. Name of the Scholar | Shalini Jane Mundu | Title of the thesis | Studies on some Bioactive Compounds produced from endophytic fungi and its host Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Date of registration | 22-08-2017 | Eligibility Examinations(NET, GATE, JRF, SLET, University Ph.D. Entrance Exam etc.) |
University Ph.D. Entrance Exam ,NET | ||||||||||||||||||||
Any award received by the scholar (enclose certificate) | View | Ph.D. degree awarded or not (if yes then enclose the certificate) | View | ||||||||||||||||||||
Paper publication details by scholar | View | Conferences Attended | 6 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Patents if | Grant received from any other funding agency (CSIR/DST/DBT other) |
NO | |||||||||||||||||||||
Travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc. along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) | View | ||||||||||||||||||||||
2. Name of the Scholar | Priyanka Kumari | Title of the thesis | Strategies for the enhancement of secondary metabolites production of Solanum nigrum L. by Plant Cell and Tissue Culture | ||||||||||||||||||||
Date of registration | 18-08-2021 | Eligibility Examinations(NET, GATE, JRF, SLET, University Ph.D. Entrance Exam etc.) |
University Ph.D. Entrance Exam | ||||||||||||||||||||
Any award received by the scholar (enclose certificate) | View | Ph.D. degree awarded or not (if yes then enclose the certificate) | View | ||||||||||||||||||||
Paper publication details by scholar | View | Conferences Attended | 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Patents if | Grant received from any other funding agency (CSIR/DST/DBT other) |
Travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc. along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) | View | ||||||||||||||||||||||
3. Name of the Scholar | Priyanka Puran | Title of the thesis | Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles using leaf and callus extract of Leucas cephalotes (Roth.) Spreng. and evaluation of their biological activities | ||||||||||||||||||||
Date of registration | 29-03-2023 | Eligibility Examinations(NET, GATE, JRF, SLET, University Ph.D. Entrance Exam etc.) |
GATE | ||||||||||||||||||||
Any award received by the scholar (enclose certificate) | View | Ph.D. degree awarded or not (if yes then enclose the certificate) | View | ||||||||||||||||||||
Paper publication details by scholar | View | Conferences Attended | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Patents if | Grant received from any other funding agency (CSIR/DST/DBT other) |
Travel grant to attend conferences/ workshop etc. along with name of the funding agency and amount (enclose documents) | View |
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