Faculty Profile

Dr. Radha Krishna Jha
Associate Professor, Botany
Full Name
Dr. Radha Krishna Jha
Associate Professor , Botany
Career Profile
Teaching experience in years | Area of Specialisation | |
33 years | Specialisation:Plant Pathology & Microbiology, Ecology (Environmental Science), Ethno Botany | Specialisation:Plant Pathology & Microbiology, Ecology (Environmental Science), Ethno Botany |
4 students awarded with Ph.D. degree and 3 are registered in Ph.D. work & 1 student for M. Phil. Degree.
Name of Research Scholor | Registration No. & Date | Topic of Research Work | Present Status(No. of Ph.D. awarded / ongoing) |
1. Rajesh Sinha | 151285/11 & 27/03/2012 | Ethnobotanical Studies of Bishnugarh Block Hazaribagh District, Jharkhand. | Awarded- 2017 |
2 .Bhanu Priya | Bhanu Priya | Phytochemical studies of some ethnomedicinal plants to cure tuberculosis with special reference to South Chotanagpur, Jharkhand. | Awarded-2021 |
3 .Abhishek Prasad Sahu | 189463/2016 | Studies on the effect of some abiotic stress on Solanum lycopersicum L. genome and protein expression. | Awarded-2021 |
4 .Vinod Kumar Yadav | 145908 & 12/02/2020 | Studies on various Endomycorrhizalsymb ionts and their efficacy on the growth performance of some fleshy root crops of Kurukshetra (Haryana) | Awarded-2023 |
5 .Merina Shweta Sweety | PG00503 & 24/07/2019 | Studies on the effects of anthropogenic effluents on pond ecosystem of Basargadh pond, Tupudana, Ranchi | Ongoing |
6 .Nisha Rani Singh | ED0539/13 & 31/08/2018 | Physiological and biochemical studies on Calocybe indica due to infection of certain fungi. | Ongoing |
7 . Mrityunjay Kumar | PG00780/ 2015 & 16/08/2018 | Comparative study of algal flora of Simaria and NandanPahar Pond of Ongoing Deoghar District with special reference to its physicochemical properties. | Ongoing |
8 . Mrityunjay Kumar | PG00780/2015 | Study of Ethno medicinal Plants used by Tribal People in Deoghar District of Jharkhand. | M Phil. Degree Awarded June, 2017 |
Publications National – 04, International – 13, Monographs
Sr. No. | Title with page number | ISSN | Name of Journal | Date of Publication |
1 | Biosorption
potential of alkali
pretreatment fungal
biomass for the
removal and
detoxification of
lead metal ion.
pp-636-639 |
0975-1084 | Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research | July, 2020 |
2 | Biochemical
variability of
eggplant peel
among Indian
pp-634-637 |
0975-0959 | Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics | October, 2020 |
3 | Studies on
pVisiting Bael
(Aegelmarmelos) as
a protective agentagainst COVID-19:
A review.
pp:153-157 |
0975-1068 | Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge | December,2020 |
4 | Oxidative stress
and anti-obesity
approach in
behaviour of
pp: 139-142 |
0975-1068 | Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge | November, 2021 |
5 | Biochemical
composition of
potato biowaste of
popular North
Indian cultivars pp: 100-104 |
0975-0959 | Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics | February, 2021 |
6 | Effect of fungal
pretreatment of
Solanum nigrum
L leaves biomass
aimed at the
bioadsorption of
heavy metals pp: 832-838 |
0975-1068 | Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge | October, 2020 |
7 | Traversing
Arbuscular mycor
rhizal fungi and
fluorescens for
carrot production
under salinity.
pp: 4217-4223 |
1319-562X | Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences | 2021 |
8 | An exploration
of Albacore
(Thunnus alalunga)
in the Indian Ocean:
A review
pp: 552-559 |
2393-9508 | The Biobrio The International Journal of Life Science | 2020 |
9 | Effect of different
level of salinity on
tomato (Solanum
lycopersicum L.)
plant germination
of two different
cultivars pp: 151-153 |
2581-5792 | International Journal of Research in Engineering Science and Management | September, 2019 |
10 | Arbuscular
mycorrhiza in
combating abiotic
stresses in some
fleshy root crop
production: An
ecofriendly approach
pp: 55-60 |
2319-4227 | Ranchi University Journal of Science and Technology | July, 2020- 2021 |
11 | Floristic growth of
hydrophytes in
Basargadh pond,
Tupudana, Ranchi
pp: 7-8 |
2319-4227 | Ranchi University Journal of Science and Technology | July, 2020- 2021 |
12 | Traversing
mycorrhizal fungi and
other microbes as an
alternative to
chemical fertilizers
for a successful carrot
2319-4227 | Ranchi University Journal of Science and Technology | January,2022 |
13 | Study of
properties of aquatic
plants grown in
2319-4227 | Ranchi University Journal of Science and Technology | January,2022 |
14 | Studies on some
hydrophytes of
Basargadh pond,
Ranchi, Jharkhand
pp: 333-334 |
0973-7057 | Biospectra International Journal of Life Science | March, 2020 |
15 | A study on aquatic
and semi-aquatic
medicinal plants of
Basargadh pond,
Ranchi, Jharkhand
pp: 339-342 |
0973-7057 | Biospectra International Journal of Life Science | March, 2020 |
16 | An annual algal
diversity of Simaria
0973-7057 | Biospectra International Journal of Life Science | September,2022 |
17 | Effect of NaCl
treatment in Solanum
L.cultivars from
0975- 0967(Online) & 0972- 5849(Print) | Indian Journal of Biotechnology(IJBT) | October,2021 |
Nos. Of Seminars Attended National: 03, International : 02
Sr.No. | Seminar / Conference (Attended) | Date of Participation | National / International |
1 | Webinar on COVID-19 organised by DNA Lab: A centre for applied science (DLCAS), Dehradun | 11/ 05/2020 | National |
2 | UGC-Orientation workshop on awareness, adoption and promotion of the MOOCs on SWAYAM, KOLKATA | 03/09/ 2019 | National |
3 | Seminar on effect of different level of salinity on Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) plant germination of two different cultivars. | 09/09/2019 | International, IJRESM |
4 | National Conference on Global Warming, Climate Change and Pollution: Their impact on biodiversity and human welfare. | 21//11/2021-23/11/2021 | National |
5 | International Conference on Environment, Forestry and Sustainable Agriculture. | 14/11/2022-16/11/2022 | International |
1. Assistant Superintendent UGC- NET Examination. |
2. Controller of Examination in MBBS final year 2015. |
3. Co-ordinator during evaluation of B.A. Part- 1 evaluation of theory papers, Ranchi University, Ranchi (2007).. |
4. Deputy Co-ordinator in the Prep. MBBS Examination 2009 and M.D./ M.S./ M,Ch. Examination 2009. |
5. National Merit Scholarship at M.Sc. level. |
6. Awarded with First Class First in Botany (Hons.) with Distinction in Chemistry in 1979. |
7. Course Co-ordinator during the refresher course in Environmental Studies and Disaster Management organized by UGC- Human Resourse Development Centre, Ranchi University, Ranchi from 12/07/2016 to 01/08/2016. |
8. Appointed as Programme Officer of National Service Scheme (NSS) in University Department of Botany Ranchi University , Ranchi (2017 to till date ). |
9. Member of Departmental Research Council (DRC) of University Department of Botany Ranchi University ,Ranchi (Since from 2011- till date). |
10. As a Member of Choice Based Credit System of Course of Study for MSc Botany, University Department of Botany, Ranchi University (Since from 2016- till date) |
11. As a Professor In-Charge Store , University Department of Botany, Ranchi University , Ranchi.(Since from June, 2020). |
Other Achievements
1. Chapters in Books – One Book name – Recent Advances in Life Science. Topic- The Role of “ Water Hyacinth” (Eichhornia crassipes, Mont. Solms) in the natural ecosystem of India : A Review (Pg. No.- 50-55) |
2. Number listed in International Database (For example in, Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) |
3. Co-oCitation Index – range / average. |
4. SNIP -- |
5. SJR – |
6. Impact Factor – range / average. |
7. h-index – |
8. Awards/Felicitations Received In The Last 5 Years. |
9. Membership of Learned Bodies/Societies : Life Member of the Biospectra, International Journal Life Member of the Indian Botanical Society |
10. Details of Patents And Income Generated. |
11. Areas of Consultancy And Income Generated. |
12.Faculty Selected Nationally/Internationally To Visit Other Laboratories / Institutions / Industries In India or Abroad. |
13. Faculty Serving In. Faculty Serving In International Committees Editorial Boards As a Member of Executive Editors of Ranchi University Journal of Science and Technology (RUJOST) from 2016- till date. Any Other (Pl. Specify) |
14. . No. Of Orientation / Refresher Courses Attended (From May,2017 – till
date) Orientation course Refresher course |
15. No. Of Lectures Delivered As Resource Person In Asc / Any Other Institution. |
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