Faculty Profile

Dr. Rajesh Kr. Lal
Associate Professor, Geography
Full Name
Dr. Rajesh Kr. Lal
Assistant Professor, Geography
Career Profile
Teaching experience in years | Area of specialisation |
1985 to till now | Teaching: Geology & Regional Planning. |
Research: Resume Geography |
Research Guidance: M.phil/Ph.D./D.Sc./D.Litt
Name of Research Scholar | Registration No. & date | Topic of research work | Present status (No. of Ph.D. awarded/ongoing) |
Mean Purity | B/40/21 dt 11-1-21 | पूर्वी सिहंभूमि जिले में हों जनजाति के सामाजिक आर्थिक विकाश : एक भौगोलिक अध्ययन | One awarded under my super |
Varsha Rani | B/269/22 dt 28-2-22 | Growth and Development of Female education in Ranchi District a geographical study. |
Number of Research papers published in Journals/Periodical
Title with page Nos. | ISSN | Name of Journal | Date of Publication |
Analysis of Geographical Dimension of Population in Context of Jharkhand State. | 2231-5888 | International Journal of Commerce and Social Science | Jan 2020 |
Geographical Analysis of Landuse Change and its causes in Ranchi City after formation of state Capital. | 2320-7116 | Resources National Journal of Value Education | July 2021 |
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