Faculty Profile

Dr. Bandana Kumari
Associate Professor
Full Name
Dr. Bandana Kumari
Associate Professor
M.Sc.(Zoology), Ph.D, PGDCA
Career Profile
Teaching Experience in Years | Area of Specialisation : Zoology | |
Teaching | Research | |
38 Years | Presently posted as HOD, University Department of Zoology. | Experience of guiding Ph.D research – 1 Result published vide memo no. Ex/ 3883- 93 dtd. 20.12.13 |
Extra Curricular Activities
N.C.C. |
1. Participated as Cadet in Prime Minister’s Rally on 26 th January 1979 in New Delhi |
2. Qualified G – Part –I Examination in 1978 under the authority of Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India. |
3. Qualified G – Part –II Examination in 1979 under the authority of Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India |
4. Attended Basic Leadership on two occasions under the Directorate General, N.C.C. |
5. Many other Certificates of N.C.C. like best shot etc. |
N.S.S. |
1. As Programme officer of N.S.S. participated in Phase III project on AIDS Education organized by N.S.S Cell, Ranchi University from 13th june to 16th june 1994. |
2. Participated in Orientation Course of N.S.S. organized by I.I.T Kharagpur from 17th Feb. to 1st March 1994 |
3. Participated in Refresher Course of N.S.S. organized by I.I.T. Kharagpur from 16th April to 20th April 1996. |
4. Participated as Programme Coordinator in the Health Awareness Training Project for Selected Rural Women organized by NYK, Begusarai at the instance of Govt. of India. |
5. Since last 27 years continuously involved in the research activities chiefly concerned with the traditional and indigenous ethnobotanical practices of this region, published in the Weekly column Green and Wild of National daily 'The Telegraph’. |
Radio and Television Talks
Invited for talks on Social evils, customs, Health and Hygiene of Women and children and scientific subject matters on several occasions till recently. |
Academic Courses
1. Participated in an Orientation course organised by Academic Staff College, Ranchi, from December 23th to January 18th 1992. |
2. Participated in a Refresher course in Environmental Science organized by A.S.C, R.U from December 12th to December 30th, 1994. |
3. Attended a training in Research Methodology in Reproductive Biomedicine at NIHFW, New Delhi from Nov. 17th to Nov. 28th 97 |
4. Attended a training in Women in Fresh Water Aquaculture at Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Bhubaneswar. [July-Aug, 97] |
5. Completed a Refresher course in Zoology organized by ASC, R.U, from Nov. 20th to Dec. 10th, 1998. |
6. Participated in workshop on Electron Microscopy at The University Of Burdwan from 21th-24thApril, 1999 |
7. Completed a Refresher course in Life science organized by A.S.C, R.U. from Sep. 13th to October 3, 2003 Grade A. |
8. Attended a National seminar on Impact of pollutants organized by Dept. of Zoology, Cooperative college, JSR. |
9. Participated in 17th All India Congress Of Zoology, organized by Dept of Zoology, Arts., SC. and Com. College, Pune from october 15th to 17th, 2006. |
10. Completed a Ref. Course in Life Sc. Org. by ASC.,R.U.with Grade A from Sep.3th to Sep. 23th, 2007. |
11. Attended an International symposium organized by S.K.M. UNIV., Dumka on Dec. 20th 2007 |
12. Participated in a training programme on Ethical issues in Administration’ held at Shri Krishna Lok Prasasan Sansthan, Jharkhand ,Sarkar from 12th Dec-16th Dec. 2011. |
13. Participated in Training programme on RTI’ sponsored by D.O.P.T. Govt. of India from 16th Jan. -20th Jan ., 2012. at Sri Krishna Institute of Public Administration, Ranchi, Jharkhand. |
14. Work shop on Capacity Building of Women Managers in Higher Education (SAM) organized by The Graduate School, College for Women, Jamshedpur from 6th Nov. – 10th Nov. 2012. (An UGC sponsored workshop). |
15. Advanced training programme on Pollution monitoring Techniques and Instrumentation Organised by Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi from 17th - 21st Nov., 2014. |
16. Completed National Seminar on Different aspects of Research Methodology,organized by University Department of zoology.Tilkamanjhi university, Bhagalpur from 08th July -09th July,2022 |
17. Got a Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications from M.L.C. Open University, Bhopal (31/05/2000). |
18. Successfully completed the Virtual Training on "Fish Species Diversification in Freshwater Aquaculture (Virtual Model)" organized by ICAR-Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Kaushalyaganga, Bhubaneswar during 28-30 September, 2021. |
19. Participated in Professional Development Programme on 'Implementation of NEP-2020 for University and College Teachers' and obtained 'A+' Grade dated 17-25 October, 2022 organized by Indira Gandhi National Open University. |
20. Completed Two Week Capacity Building Programme on 'Research in Practice (Interdisciplinary)' organized by Central University of Jharkhand from 9th May to 20th May 2023 and obtained Grade 'A+'. |
21. Presented paper titled "A comparative study of probable impact of Global Warming on Plant Biodiversity at Barka Pahar in Jharkhand" in 24th Annual Conference & National Seminar, Ranchi (Multidisciplinary) organized by AGBJ held at University Department of Geography, Ranchi University on 4th and 5th November, 2023. |
Rewards and Honours
1. Honorary Fellowship Of I.S.F.E.C. |
2. Fellow Of Zoological Society Of India |
3. Senior Scientist Award, 2009 |
4. Senior Scientist Gold Medal Award, 2010 |
5. Honoured To Judge Several State Level Science Competitions. |
6. Invited As Resource Person In Several Workshop And Programmes. |
7. Life Member Of Inland Fishery Society Of India. |
Resource person |
As a Resource person invited to deliver lectures on Ethnozoological aspects, Environmental issues and Empowerment of Women by A.S.C., R.U. and by various N.G.Os and departments like India Post etc. |
Resource person in Refresher course organized by UGC, HRDC to deliver on “Malaria and its vector management by Herbs”and on “An Ethnozoological investigation based on the practices of indigenous people of Panch pargana area of Jharkhand” from 06th-09th Sep., 2022 |
Delivered Lecture on Malaria : The Combined role of 20E variants on Anopheline vectoral capacity in HRDC organized Refresher Course on 29/07/2023. |
Experience as a Programme-Coordinator of 61st Orientation course for college teachers at Academic staff college, Ranchi from 25th Nov.-22nd December 2010. |
Experience as P.I.O. of P.P.K.College, Bundu under RTI ACT 2005 from Sept, 2013. |
Experience as P.I.O. of Ranchi University, Ranchi under RTI ACT 2005 from 17-1-17 to 8-3-2018. |
1. Concomitant occurrence of Eupyrene and Apyrene spermatozoa in an aquatic beetle Cybister tripunctatus asiticus. Paper published in French journal SB Cienciae PC Cultura, 1989. |
2. Use of Achyranthes aspera as an alternative to Meetha Soda(Baking Soda. Paper published in Bio-Science Research Bulletin, Vol. 16. No. 2, 2000. |
3. A study on management and prevention of malaria by herbs in Jharkhand. Paper published in Bulletin of Pure and applied Sciences, Vol. 20A, No. 2, 2001. |
4. Koraya’ Aushadhi hi nahin jeevan yapan ka sadhan bhee. Paper published in Chotanagpur Horticulture,Vol.20.No. 1-4, December, 2003 pp. 32. |
5. The Prospective use of Tribal traditional knowledge in eradication of harmful Insects and Predator fishes from Fish ponds. Paper presented at National Seminar on the impact of Pollutants on Fishes and other Aquatic life in different water bodies organized by Dept. of Zoology, Jamshedpur Co-operative College, Jamshedpur on 5th – 6th Feb., 06. |
6. A Traditional way of Fishing by Plants around Dasam and Hundru falls in Jharkhand. Paper presented at National Conference on Recent Advances in Environmental Biotechnology for Forest and Bio-Diversity Management organized by Ranchi Women‟s college, Ranchi on 7-8 March, 2006. |
7. Study of some plants used as repllents to some insects and animals in jharkhand. Paper published in Biospectra: Vol I (I), Sept. 2006, pp 123-126. |
8. An indigenous way of management of rat population by Bhelwa seed oil treatment in and around Silli, Jharkhand state ,India. Paper published in Biospectra: 2 (1), Mar. 2007, pp. 185-186. |
9. An ethno-zoological survey of some insects used in the treatment of epilepsy in the Angara block of Jharkhand. Paper published in Biospectra: 2 (1), Mar. 2007, pp. 65-67 |
10. Some less known ‘Sag’ utilized by the tribals and others of PanchPargana area of Jharkhand. Paper published in Ethnobotany vol. 19., 2007, pp. 62-66. |
11. Ethno-zoological practices adopted by the aboriginals of Ranchi and Gumla districts of Jharkhand to cure certain diseases. Paper presented at International Symposium on Recent Advances in Contemporary Biology, Environmental Issues and Sustainable Development Organized by S.K.M.University, Dumka ,Jharkhand on 29-30 September 2007 |
12. An ethno-zoological investigation of use of tortoise meat for cure of some ailments in Bundu and Bero blocks of Ranchi district, Jharkhand ,India. Paper published in Biospectra:2(2),Sept.2007,pp. 287-288. |
13. Medicinal value of some potherbs (Sag) consumed on the different auspicious occasions in Panch Pargana area of Jharkhand. Paper published in Biospectra : 3(1), Mar. 2008, pp. 153-158. |
14. Jharkhand rajya ke Janjatiya chetron mein matsya pragrahan hetu takniki gyan awon padpiya nischetakon per ek adhyayan. Paper presented at Rashtrya Sangoshthi on Machuara kendrit Matsya sansadhan Prabandhan. Organized by Kendrya Matsyaki sikcha sansthan ,Barsova, Mumbai and BirsaKrishi Viswavidyalya, Ranchi,Jharkhand on 11-12 April, 2008. |
15. Probable impact of Global warming on Plant biodiversity in Jharkhand. Paper presented at National Seminar on Effects and Measures of Global warming.Organized by Ramgarh College Ramgarh,Jharkhand on 12-13 June, 2008. |
16. An Ethno-Zoological indeginous practice: as a cure of T.B. documented from Panch pargana area of Jharkhand. Paper published in Proc.Zoo.Soc.India.7(1):81-83:2008. |
17. An ethno-zoological study of an indigenous practice of Epilepsy- treatment by insectan medicines in the villages of Angara block in Jharkhand. Paper presented in 19th National Zoology Congress on Biodiversity and Human Welfare.Organized by Guwahati University , Guwahati on 29-31 December, 2008 |
18. Probable impact of Global warming on Plant biodiversity in Jharkhand. Paper published in Biospectra : 4(1),Mar.2009,pp.121-122. |
19. An ethno-zoological study of an indigenous practice of Epilepsy-treatment by insectan medicines in the villges of Angara block in Jharkhand. Paper presented at International Conference on Recent Trends in Life science Research vis-a vis Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Devlopment and Human welfare organized by Vinoba Bhave University,Hazaribag, Jharkhand on 27-29 June 2009. |
20. An insight in to the ethnozoology of Panch Pargana area of Jharkhand, India. Paper published in Journal of Threatened Taxa (an online Journal) Vol.1(8) pp. 441-443 :2009. |
21. Traditional agro-management of rat problem through Bhelwa oil in Panch Pargana area of Jharkhand. Paper presented at National Conference on „Plant sciences: Diversity,Products Environmental planning‟ organized by Marwari College ,Ranchi ,Jharkhand on 11-12 October, 2009 |
22. mpact of Trends in Climate change on Bio-Diversity and Faunistic Systems. Paper presented at National Symposium on “Impact of Trends in Climate Change on Biodiversity Biodiversity and Faunistic Systems ” held on 19-20 February, 2010 organized by Department of Zoology and Environmental Science , Gurukul Kangari Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar. |
23. Impact of Global warming on Plant biodiversity in Itcha garh hill area of Jharkhand. Paper presented at National Seminar on “Biodiversity and its conservation” held on 5-6th March 2010 organized by Post Graduate Department of Zoology, Jamshedpur Women‟s College ,Jamshedpur, Jharkhand. |
24. Survey and documentation of some antimalarial mosquito repellent plants used by tribes tribes of Jharkhand. Paper published in Biospectra:5(2),Sept. 2010 ,pp.285-288. |
25. Study of seasonal morphogenesis of the ovary of Channa punctatus(Bloch). Paper published in Biospectra:5(2),Sept. 2010 ,pp.305-308. |
26. Identification of the adulterant plants being used ignorantly in rice beer (Handia) making in Jharkhand. Paper published in Biospectra:5(2),Sept. 2010 ,pp.477-480. |
27. Survey and documentation of some plants of the family Lamiaceae used as repellent to mosquitoes in Jharkhand. Paper published in Biospectra:5(2),Sept. 2010 ,pp |
28. Ethno botanical studies on some mosquito repellent herbs used by tribals of Jharkhand to protect them from Malaria. Paper published in Ethnobotany vol. 22., 2010, pp 118-120 |
29. Documentation of some plants with potent nutritive properties used in rice beer (Handia) being scarce in Jharkhand. |
30. Ethno botanical studies on some mosquito repellent herbs used by tribals of Jharkhand to protect them from Malaria. Paper published in Ethnobotany vol. 22., 2010, pp 118-120. |
31. Survey and documentation of some mosquito repellent plants used by tribes of Jharkhand to protect themselves from Malaria. Paper presented at National Conference on “The Exploration, Protection and Conservation of Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge” held on 4-5 February,2011 organised by Department of Botany, Gour Mahavidyalaya, Malda, West Bengal. |
32. Study of Plectranthus mollis (Aiton)Spreng.(Lamiaceae) as mosquito repellent to check malaria in Jharkhand region. Paper published in Ethnobotany vol. 23., 2011, pp 141-142. |
33. Study of a herbal principle acting as stimulant of Oogenesis in a Fresh water murrel, Channa punctatus (Blotch). Paper published in Proc. Zoo . Soc. ,India,11(1) ::49-51‟2012. |
34. The diversity of most often encountered spiders in dense forest of Ichagarh hill. Paper presented at National Conference on “Current scenario of biodiversity in India” held on 30 -31 January, 2013 organised by Department of Botany, Dr. Baba sahib Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad, Maharashtra. |
35. Study of leafy vegetables supplemented to malnutrition among tribals in Jharkhand. Paper published in Ethnobotany vol. 25., 2013, pp 135-138 |
36. Survey and documentation of some wild flowers sold as vegetables and food supplements in Jharkhand. Paper published in Ethnobotany vol. 26., 2014, pp 32-36. |
37. Ethno-Zoological aspects of Fresh Water Crab in Jharkhand. Paper published in Proc.Zoo.Soc.India.14(1):25-28:2015 |
38. The Higher education needs overhaul : students must come up with new ideas, frugal innovations and solutions to daily life problems. Paper presented in National Seminar on Higher Education Prospects And Challenges, July 7th-8th, 2015. |
39. Participated and chaired a session in 3rd World Clean Environment Summit 2019 held on 20-21 August 2019 at St. Xavier's college Ranchi . |
40. Study of Indigenous way to combat rat problem in Panch Pargana area of Jharkhand. Paper published in CIBTech Journal of Zoology ISSN: 2319–3883 Online, International Journal, 2020 Vol.9, pp.80-84. |
41. Study of the role of membranous blebs in the nourishment of oocytes in Channa punctatus (Bloch.) Paper published in CIBTech Journal of Zoology ISSN: 2319–3883 Online , International Journal, 2021 Vol.10, pp.77-82. |
Books published
1. Bio Prospects And Indigenous Myths Associated With Flora And Fauna In Jharkhand. Year -2017 (ISBN-978-81-923421-5-3) Publisher : Subodh Granthmala, Ranchi |
2. Wild And Edible Kand-Mool Of Jharkhand And Their Ethno Medicinal Uses. Year-2022 (ISBN-978-81-269-3366-2) Publisher :Atlantic, New Delhi. |
Project Works- P.I. of Project under UGC minor research
Programme |
1. [Xth Plan]. (Project completed) UGC Approval No. and Date --FPSJ -005/03-04(ERO) 12 th March 2004 S.N. 47267 i) Project Title: Ethno –Medico Zoological Investigation In Jharkhand State [India]. |
2. [XIth Plan] Project completed UGC Approval No. and Date --FPSJ -009/09-10(ERO) 8th Oct 2009 S.N. Project Title: Survey and documentation of plants with potent insect repellent properties widely found in Jharkhand, Year 2009 |
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