Multidisciplinary Multi Institutional Collaborative Centre

Members of MMCRC

Sl.No. | Name | Position |
1 | Vice Chancellor, R.U. | Chairman |
2 | Financial Advisor, R.U., Ranchi | Member |
3 | Registrar, R.U. | Member |
4 | Finance Officer | Member |
5 | Dean, Faculty of Science | Member |
6 | Dean, Faculty of Social Science | Member |
7 | Dean Faculty of Humanities | Member |
8 | External Experts
Dr. Padmakar Kelker, CEO-Bright Stars Electronics 43/2 Erandawana, Industrial Estate, Off Karve, Rd, Pune, Maharastra-411038 Dr. Namrata Mishra, CEO-BCKIC and advisor, KIIT-TBI |
Member Member |
9 | Faculty Members nominated by Vice-Chancellor
Dr. Shipra Kumari, Dept. of Home Science, R.U. Dr. Smriti Singh, Dept. of Chemistry , R.U. Dr. Neeraj, Dept. of Chemistry , R.U. Dr. Rajkumar Singh, Dept. of Physics, R.U. Dr. Binod Kumar Mahto, Dept. of Botany, R.U. Dr. Soni Kumari Tiwari, Dept of Zoology, R.U. Dr. Hemendra Kumar Bhagat, Dept. of Philosophy, R.U. |
Member Member Member Member Member Member Member |
10 | Members from Colleges
Dr. N.K. Rana, Dept. of Physics, J.N. College, Dhurwa Dr. Sameer Gunjan Lakra , Dept of Botany , J.N. College, Dhurwa Dr. Tarkeswar Kumar Mahto, Dept. of Zoology, P.P.K. College, Bundu Dr. R.C. Razak, Marwari College Dr. Suresh Samad, Dept. of Geology, R.U |
Member Member Member Member Member |
11 | Dr. Nayni Saxena, Director MMCRC | Member Secretary |
Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary sciences over the last few decades have become the major booster of science development. The most important discoveries occur just at the intersection of sciences and in collaboration of several fields. There appeared such intermediate fields as mathematical physics, physical chemistry, biophysics, biochemistry, geophysics, etc.
In this background it is proposed that the Ranchi University, with its vision to develop it into a university of excellence, it is imperative to encourage Multidisciplinary Multi-institutional and collaborative research projects for industrial, economic and social development of the society.
1. To facilitate and provide institutional support to students and faculty members of the Ranchi University for multidisciplinary multi-Institutional collaborative research.
2. To propel collaborative research and create ecosystem for interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research,
3. To fuel innovation and cutting-edge research of students and faculty members for their start-ups, inventions and new discoveries for the betterment of the society.
The Philosophy
The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 is an ambitious policy document aiming to revolutionize the education system in India. One of the key aspects of policy is the emphasis on a multidisciplinary approach in education and research at higher education level.
Promotion of research and creation of knowledge emerge from conducive and all-level academic development. To further promote research in all the fields of education, the NEP-2020 has proposed the National Research foundation (NRF) that will nurture the culture of research among learners as well as HEIs. NEP-2020 aims at creating a conducive ecosystem to catalyse and energize research and innovation in HEIs. The special focus Is can seeding and nurturing the culture of research and innovation at universities and colleges through funding support, guidelines/policies and establishing Innovation and research centres. Given the realities of rapidly changing economic landscape in the country, entrepreneurship opportunities have emerged as an important foundation for aspirations of the youth.
The NRF's Goals:
1. Promote interdisciplinary research that will address India's most pressing development challenges.
2. Minimize duplication of research efforts.
3. Promote the translation of research into policy and practice. NM'
Promote Inter-disciplinary and Problem-solving Research
Provides Platform:
The NRF will provide the unifying platform for multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional collaborative research that can address complex challenges that require solutions from different disciplines and sectors.
a. For example, public health policy, child nutrition, air pollution and climate change are some of the areas that need inter- and trans- disciplinary research that can provide evidence informed, context relevant, resource optimising, culturally compatible and equity promoting solutions.
b. The NRF will support both commissioned task force research and investigator-initiated collaborative research in prioritised areas of India’s development.
c. The NRF will also create mindsets for engaging in multi-disciplinary research early in scientific careers, by inviting young researchers from different knowledge domains to collaborate on problem solving research.

Role of Department of Higher and Technical Education DH&TE, Government of Jharkhand:
DH&TE is working in consonance with the regulatory bodies of the Central Government and has empathy in improving the quality of research and teaching at the HEIs of Jharkhand. The Department has focussed on improvement of the infrastructure and resources of the universities and colleges. The role of DHT&E would be as supportive and will work as catalyst and will be a driving force for the MMCRC
Institutions of HEI in. Jharkhand that will facilitate the MMCRC
In the state the number of state universities is 12 at present besides central universities, IIT ISM, NIT, and private universities in the state. There are central research institutes in Ranchi, Jamshedpur and Dhanbad. These institutions are involved in research some of them are having multi- institutional and multidisciplinary researches. The institutions with funds can be roped for the MMCRC.

It is proposed that a centre may be established with basic infrastructure and human resources to propel and fuel the above thoughts and create an ecosystem for the same. To start it is proposed that:
- 1. The centre may be named as – Multidisciplinary Multi-Institutional Collaborative Research Centre, Ranchi University, Ranchi (MMCRC).
- 2. Scope of the MMCRC will be to:
- a. Create an ecosystem to promote the Multidisciplinary Multi-Institutional Collaborative Research at Ranchi University.
- b. To pool resources – fund and experts of their respective field for Multidisciplinary Multi-Institutional Collaborative Research.
- c. To prepare proposals and organise meetings, workshops, seminar, conferences etc.
- d. To organise orientation programmes and sensitise faculty members of the university for the Multidisciplinary Multi-Institutional Collaborative Research.
- e. To pool experts of their respective field from different discipline of different Research institutions/ Organisations of excellence/Universities (State and Central/ National level) for ideation, preparation and finalisation of research proposals.
- f. Guide/help in submission of research proposals of multidisciplinary and muti – institutional nature to the appropriate funding organisations.
- g. Invite Muti-institutional funding agencies to the university for orientation and funding for the projects.
- h. To facilitate the Principal Investigator (PI) in negotiation and enter into MoU with the funding agencies and collaborative organisations.
- i. To monitor the progress of the ongoing collaborative research half yearly and till the final report with utilisation certificate is submitted to the funding agency.
- j. To prepare a budget for its on maintenance and get it passed with the competent authority of the Ranchi University.
- k. Every year the MMCR will prepare annual report of its work and expenditure of the last financial year.
- l.The MMCRC shall be Headed by a Director/Coordinator.
- m. The Director/Coordinator will Professor /Associate Professor on deputation.
- n. He or She must have obvious research experience with publication in national and international journals of repute.
- o. Governing Body (GB) of the IMMCRC
- i. Vice-Chancellor – Chairperson
- ii. Financial Advisor – Member
- iii. Registrar – Member
- iv. Finance Officer – Member
- v. Deans of the faculty – Member
- vi. External Expert (2) – Member (Research Organisations/Industry)
- vii. The Faculty Members – Nominated by the Vice-Chancellor
- viii. Director/Coordinator of MMCRC – Member Secretary
- p. There shall be at least one Meeting annually of the GB of the MMCRC.
- q. All proposals for collaborative funding to be approved and passed by the Research Advisory Committee (RAC) of the MMCRC.
- r. RAC meeting will be held every six monthly for review ideation and approval of the research proposal/s.
- s. The term and composition of RAC of the MMCRC with following members will be of three years and, which will be approved by the GB of the MMCRC:
- i. Chairperson – A person of repute and of Rank of Professor may be Vice-Chancellor / Director / Chairperson of State/Central university /Research Organisations or Institute of National Level / Industrial Organisation
- ii. VC RU or a person nominated by the VC RU
- iii. External Expert (05) – Member (drawn from different Research Organisations/Industry)
- iv. Nine Faculty Members from the parent university, viz., – two from Science; two from Social Science; two from Humanities; one from Commerce; one from Health Science; one from other discipline as may be required as invited member
- v. Director/Coordinator of MMCRC – Member Secretary
- t. MMCRC will have its Research Coordination Committee (RCC). The term of the RCC will be for three years and composition will be as follows:
- i. Chairperson – Chairman RAC.
- ii. VC RU or nominated person of the VC
- iii. PI and/or Co-PI of the research project.
- iv. External Subject Expert/s (as required but not more than 10) – Member (drawn from different collaborative University/ Research Organisations/Industry etc.)
- v. Director/Coordinator of MMCRC – Member Secretary
- v. Director/Coordinator of MMCRC – Member Secretary
- w. The University will provide manpower – Computer Operator, Grade IV staff and other staff as required to the MMCRC.
- x. MMCRC all staff will be paid salary, honorarium etc as per the university rules.
- 3. All other conditions will be followed as per the funding agencies direction for a particular collaborative research project.
- 4. PI/Co-PI will be responsible for execution and implementation of the project.
- 5. PI/Co-PI will coordinate with funding agency and all other collaborative institution/organisation.
- 6. If the GB of the MMCRC feels that there is need of repeal of the rules and regulation of the MMCRC it can do so in an extra-ordinary meeting of the GB of the MMCRC.
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