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  • Profile | Ranchi University

    Faculty Profile


    Full Name

    Dr. Nayni Saxena




    Associate Professor

    Level of Guidance & Teaching

    P.G. Teaching & Research Guidance


    M.Sc., Ph.D.

    Career Profile
    Teaching Experience in Years Area of Specialisation : Reproductive Physiology
    Teaching Research
    30 years 33 years
    Research Guidance : M.Phil/Ph.d/D.Sc./D.Litt
    Name of Research Scholor Registration No. & Date Topic of Research Work Present Status(No. of Ph.D. awarded / ongoing)
    1. Sweta Kumari (Ph.D.) PG00019/09: 28.04.2015 Studies on the effect of Daidzein on some biochemical parameters of male Wistar rat. Viva-voce examination held on 10.03.2022.
    2. Rupa Shree (Ph.D.) 0619261/2006 21.12.2018 Studies on the effects of ethnyl estradiol on some histophysiological parameters of Clarias batrachus. Ongoing
    3. Madhuri Kumari Das (Ph.D.) 18.01.2021 Isolation and characterization of probiotic bacteria from the gut of Labeo rohita(Hamilton). Ongoing
    4. Aman Kumar (Ph.D.) PG00394/2014 28.03.2022 “Studies on the toxicological effects of hybrid pesticide (Chlorpyrifos and Cypermethrin) on haematological, biochemical and histopathological parameters of freshwater fish, Channa striata (Bloch, 1793)” Ongoing
    Number of Research Papers published in Journals/Periodical
    Sl. No. Title with page number ISSN Name of Journal Date of Publication
    1 On the validity of….. ……-a criticalreview.pp.115- 120 0973-7057 Biospectra December,2017
    2 Studies on the effect of daidzein……of male Wistar rat. pp293-300 2319-8354 International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering April, 2018
    3 Toxicity and biochemical effect …. Wistar rat, pp.213-221 2319-8354 International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering April, 2018
    4 On the transference of…. – a critical review.pp.13-19 0972- 995X National Journal of Life Science 2018
    5 A discussion on the….indica (Verma, 1971). pp.911-915 0972- 0030 J. Exp. Zool. India 2018
    6 On the status of ….. .. a critical review. pp.1-7 2319- 314X Trends in Parasitology Research 2018
    7 On the revalidation of …… analysis. pp.355- 361 0971- 6920 Flora and Fauna 2018
    8 The status of ……. …. review.pp.1- 6 2319- 314X Trends in Parasitology Research 2018
    9 Daidzein affects ….. …. male Wistar rat. pp. 37- 42 0973-7057 Biospectra September, 2019
    10 Effect of intragastric … male Wistar rat. pp. 51- 58 0973-7057 Biospectra September, 2019
    11 Isolation of amylase ….. gut of Labeorohita. pp. 29- 32 0973-7057 Biospectra September, 2021
    12 Extraction of cellulase producing …. Labeorohita. pp.147- 150 2319 - 4227 RUJOST January & July, 2020- 2021
    13 The effect of ethnyl estradiol ……Clarias batrachus.pp.165-168 2319 - 4227 RUJOST January & July, 2020- 2021
    No. of seminars / conferences / workshop attended / organised
    Sr.No. Seminar / Conference Date of Participation National / International
    1 International Conference on Recent Developments in Science, …….& Humanities, Mumbai 14.04.2018 International
    2 13th International Conference on Recent Trends .. ……..and Management, Bengaluru 23rd& 24th April, 2018 International
    3 National Conf. on Harmony with nature…… ….Ecosystem Management, Ranchi 28th -30thOctober, 2018. National
    4 Online International Conference on Multidisciplinary Innovations …. and Technology, Bangalore 18th - 19th September, 2020 International
    5 Two Days Workshop on “Current Trends in Molecular Biology”, University Department of Botany, Ranchi University, Ranchi 18th -19th September, 2018 National
    6 Attended Digital Modules on “Mammalian Cell Culture” (Webinar Series), Merck High- End Skill Development Centre (Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India), Merck Innovation Lab, Chandigarh July-August, 2020
    7 National Training Workshop (online) on “Research article writing and plagiarism”, Zoology, Biotechnology Dept.& IQAC, Govt. Girls P.G. College, Ujjain 18.09.2021 National
    8 Seven Day E- Workshop on “Entrepreneurial Skill Development and Career Opportunities in Biological Sciences”, Govt. Girls P.G. College, Ujjain. 24th -30th June, 2021
    9 International Conference on Recent Advances in Basic and Applied Sciences.Faculty of Sciences, B.M. University, Rohtak.(Online) 27th -28th August, 2021 International
    10 International e- Conference on” Recent Advances in Life Sciences…….and Adaptations”, Dept. of Zoology, LNMU University, Darbhanga 26th -27th July, 2021 International
    11 International e- Conference on” Echoes of COVID -19 on Human Health: Present and Future Therapeutic Landscape”, S. S. Jain Subodh P.G. College, Jaipur 11- 12 August, 2021 International
    12 International Conference on “Emerging Bioscience research ……….. Development, Department of Zoology, Patna University, Patna 21- 22 December,2021 International
    13 International e- Conference on “Innovations in Science …….Development”, Anand Niketan College of Science, Arts and Commerce, Warora, Maharashtra 14- 15March, 2022 International
    No. of FIP/refresher courses/summer trainings attended/organised
    Sl. No. Date Period Venue
    1 Coordinator, UGC-Sponsored Refresher Course in Life Sciences 01.09.2020 – 14.09.2020 UGC-Human Resource Development Centre, Ranchi University, Ranchi
    2 Coordinator, UGC-Sponsored Refresher Course in Life Sciences 03.09.2021 – 16.09.2021 UGC-Human Resource Development Centre, Ranchi University, Ranchi
    3 Coordinator, Webinar on “Climate Change” 31.08.2020 UGC-Human Resource Development Centre, Ranchi University, Ranchi
    Awards Received
    1. Outstanding Women Scientist Award – 2017 for advancement of scientific knowledge in the field of Zoological Research at 7th International Conference on “Global Scenario of Life Science, Agriculture …… of rural and urban folk” held at Ranchi from 03-05 December, 2017 conferred by The Academic Council of the METAS of Seventh- Day Adventists, International Consortium of Contemporary Biologists & Madhawi- Shyam Educational Trust.
    2. Lifetime Achievement Award-2021 in appreciation of the research contributions for advancement of scientific knowledge in the field of l Research, at 8th International Conf. on Emerging Bioscience Research for Rural and Urban Development ICEBRUD- 2021 held at Department of Zoology, Patna University, Patna conferred by The Academic Council of the METAS of Seventh- Day Adventists, International Consortium of Contemporary Biologists & Madhawi- Shyam Educational Trust.
    Any other academic, administrative and socially relevant contributions/consultancy and awards
    1. Resource Person at the 4 th Faculty Induction Programme (FIP) at UGC-Human Resource Development Centre, Ranchi University, Ranchi on10.03.2021.
    2. Resource Person at the 5 th Faculty Induction Programme (FIP) at UGC-Human Resource Development Centre, Ranchi University, Ranchi on11.08.2021.
    Member Of Board Of Studies
    1. Member, Board of Studies of Zoology of Marwari College (Autonomous), Ranchi University, Ranchi.
    2. University Nominee in the Board of Studies of Department of Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics, Ranchi Women’s College (Autonomous) Ranchi University, Ranchi.
    Chaired A Scientific Session during the National Conference on Harmony with Nature…………& Ecosystem Management (Harmony 2018) at St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi from 28th -30thOct, 2018.
    Executive Editor of journal Biospectra- An International Biannual Refereed Journal of Life Sciences, Listed in UGC-Care (Group II)
    Director, Computer Centre, Ranchi University, Ranchi since March, 2020.
    Director, Plagiarism Detection Cell (PDC), Ranchi University.
    Member, Steering Committee, Work Station for Research, Census Setup, Ranchi University, Ranchi.
    Coordinator, M.Sc. Environmental Science Course at the University Department of Zoology, Ranchi University, Ranchi. (2018- 2018)
    Important Websites